HRS - Croatian Amateur Radio Association
IARU - International Amateur Radio Union
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
JARL - Japan Amateur Radio League
ZRS - Slovenian Radio-Amateur Association
9A0W - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
9A1R - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
9A3JB - amateur web page of 9A QSL Manager
9A3ZC - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
9A3SM - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
9A4ZZ - amaterska web stranica člana radiokluba Zagreb
9A5ABH - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
9A6ZT - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
9A7PLS - amateur web page - member of Radio Club Zagreb 9A1ADE
DK7ZB - Page is dedicated to the homebrewing of equipment
AC6V' s Amateur Radio and DX Reference Guide
John, K1DWU s Ham Link Collection
NB6Z - PSK31 Fundamentals & Setup